MathsCSYS Formulae Tester version by Brian Duff. This program is designed to help remember all those nasty formulae you have to know for Math Exams. It is specifically written to cover the Syllabus of the Scottish Certificate Of Sixth Year Studies Paper I material, though should be fairly applicable to an A-Level or equivalent course.
Version/Release date: | 1.3 15/11/1994 |
Systems: | TOS compatible |
Status: | Freeware |
Programmer | Brian Duff |
Compatibility: | ◆ ST
◈ TT
◈ Falcon
◈ CT60
◈ Hades ◈ Milan ◈ FireBee |
Resolutions: | >=640*200 |
Type: | Program (TOS) |
Language: | English |
Availability: | Floppyshop Education Disk 5498[?] (MathsCSYS 1.3) |
CD-ROMs: | Crawly Crypt 2 (MathsCSYS) |