A universal 3D modeller for use with several different raytracing packages. It imports scripts from POV, CLOE and 3D Studio (on the PC). The ability to export files in anything other than EB-Model's own format is reserved for registered users. EB-Model simplifies the process of setting up cameras and lighting for your scene with the use of movable objects in a GEM window rather than the hit or miss approach of entering the data by hand into script files. The program includes precalculated objects (segments, boxes, prisms, tubes, spheres, pyramids, cones and more) and there's a library feature which lets you store copies of your own objects for use in other scenes. You can even spin and extrude shapes and create fractal landscapes. Your creation can of course be viewed from different elevations. The program uses the 'modern face of GEM'with colour icons, movable windows, 3D interface and so forth (all subject to which machine it's running on). It is compatible with all Atari machines and multi-tasking friendly.