Fortune is a program to play and create sound cites on your ATARI FALCON. Like on big UNIX computers, your computer will welcome you at boot time by telling you a cite of a VIP. While the cites are only written on other computers, the FALCON's sound system makes it possible for you to hear the original cite.
Version/Release date: | 1.0 22/01/1993 |
Systems: | Atari Falcon |
Status: | Freeware |
Programmer | Harald Schönfeld Bernd Spellenberg |
Compatibility: | ◇ ST
◇ TT
◆ Falcon
◈ CT60
◈ Hades ◈ Milan ◈ FireBee |
Resolutions: | all |
Language: | German, English |
CD-ROMs: | Atari Gemini (FORTUNE), Crawly Crypt 1 (FORTUNE) |