
Kontext is a text conversion program that can convert WinWord 2, Word for Mac 5, WinWrite to 1st Word. The program can convert whole directories at once and is very fast thanks to Assembler programming. The complete Assembler source code is included with the program.
What KonText offers
  • extensive special character conversion between Atari, DOS/PC, Windows™ and Mac text files
  • Emulation of DOS/PC, Windows and Mac standard character sets with screen display, direct editing and print support
  • RTF export/import
  • writing own filters for external formats and multiple search/replace possible
  • automatic recognition of different source formats
  • extensive search/replace functions considering all ASCII characters
  • Conversion between wrapped and continuous text formatting
  • clean removal of unnecessary spaces and hyphens
  • Remove or insert tabs, LFs, FFs, hyphens etc.
  • special ASCII configuration for different applications on the Mac
  • automatic recognition of short lines
  • supports IBM, Epson™ and HPLJ-II printing standards Addressing other printer types via ASCII print files with escape sequences possible.


Version/Release date: 2.4
Systems: TOS compatible
Status: Freeware
Programmer Werner Köhler
Compatibility: ◆ ST ◆ STE ◈ TT ◈ Falcon ◈ CT60
◈ Hades ◈ Milan ◈ FireBee
Resolutions: all
Programming Language: Omikron Basic


Availability: 4U PD 060[?] (KonText 2.2s) , ST-Computer PD 636[?] (KonText 2.0s) , Atari Inside PD 217 (Missing) Atari Inside PD 217 (Kontext)
CD-ROMs: The Very Best of Atari Inside II (Kontext 2.33), ST-Computer Leser CD 10/1998 (Kontext 2.41)
Standard support
Programs written in...
Pure C