Professional animation program (formerly AEGIS Animation). Various animation techniques: Color animation (scrolling through the color palette, known from Degas), cartoon technique (superimposing individual image sections) and metaphoric animation (rotation and shifting of polygon lines). Complex motion sequences (simple default), fade effects, etc. Created movies can be saved and played back at any speed.
Version/Release date: | 2.07 01/01/1986 |
Systems: | TOS compatible |
Status: | Freeware |
Programmer | Jim Kent |
Distributor | Aegis |
Compatibility: | ◆ ST
◈ TT
◈ Falcon
◈ CT60
◈ Hades ◈ Milan ◈ FireBee |
Resolutions: | ST-Low |
Language: | English |
Availability: | ST-Computer PD 256[?] (Animator) , XEST PD 325[?] (Aegis Animator) , Atari Inside PD 251[?] (Aegis Animator) |
Articles: | STart Vol. 2 No. 4 Antic Vol. 6 No. 2 |