GFA Club was the PD series of the official GFA club established by GFA Systemtechnik. Contents include GFA tools as well as programs written in GFA Basic for Atari computers.
Videodat Video management. Calculation of remaining playing time and creation of rental lists
GFA 052
GFA 053
Tempelmon Monitor/debugger. Also for STE/TT. The latest version 2.01 of the Monitor/Debugger by Thomas Tempelmann. Highly recommended for all developers.
Graphic program incl. source code in GfA-Basic (over 4000 lines). Many special functions: Block compression and rotation, prism and pyramid, spraying with pattern, Bézier curves. STAD and IMG images can be loaded and saved. Different print sizes.
Hase und Igel Board game implementation with beautiful graphics and good user interface
Mastermind The well-known Mastermind game in a GEM version. The interface was created with an application construction set, the result is impressive. (all resolutions from ST-High)
GFA-Bild Drawing program for all three screen resolutions. Easy manipulation of the image by tilting or applying it to a three-dimensional body. GfA-Bild reads most common image formats on the Atari ST and can also quickly convert images of other resolutions. Besides the system character set, Signum fonts can also be used in GfA-Bild.
History For each female or male first name, lists known historical and modern persons of the same name. More than a thousand historical events and birthdays of well-known personalities are also stored.
GFA 073
Imagic The PD version of the IMAGIC GRAPHIC COMPILER from Application Systems Heidelberg. It is a complete art package and much more. You can create your artwork within Imagic and then animate it. It is also possible to import your own graphics. The quality of animations possible is incredible. This disk contains the Imagic program along with both mono and colour demos.
GFA 074
GFA 075
Diskmon DISKMON is a utility program, a so-called disk monitor. With this tool the data and structures on a disk drive can be examined. For those who are not so familiar with this, please refer to further literature (e.g. Sybex : ST Profibuch).
GFA 076
GFA 077
GFA 078
The Clock
Sagrotan 4.10 Latest (and last PD) version of the popular virus killer. The successor ToXis was commercially distributed
GFA 079
Icon Editor.
GFA 080
Stundenplandruck P6/7 Timetable designer for students and teachers (multiple grades), with GFA 2.0 source
Musicbox Specifies sounds and fields to be played correctly
Protext One of the most successful British word processor programs, developed by Peterborough-based Arnor Ltd between 1985 and 1995, Protext has sold over 30,000 copies. Original written for the Amstrad CPC464, Protext was subsequently released for the Amstrad PCW8256, the PC, the Atari ST, Commodore Amiga and the Acorn Archimedes.
GFA 089
Maziacs Adventure game, the gold-seeking hero finds his way through a labyrinth.
Bouncing Bubbles A fast action shoot 'em up. It starts up with just a few balls needing shot down. By level 7 you've got some aliens to dispose of and by level 40 there's so many on screen you don't have a clue what you're shooting at! Good fast action game.
Ballerburg It's the classic scenario of two armies battling it out with cannon balls firing at each other over a mountain. However, this is one of the better implementations in which you have to purchase ammunition with funds (which often run out!) from the Royal coffers. You can select the fortress type prior to commencement and quite a few other options are user definable. Can be played against the computer or a friend.
17+4 Successful conversion of the well-known card game.
GFA 090
Snowman Demo
GFA 091
Bibos Casino Includes three games of chance: Venus Multi and Roulette Multi, two slot machines, and Bibos Slot Machine, a one-armed bandit
Grand-Hand Slot machine with many details. Good simulation of the game flow and optical effects
GFA 092
Chemiker Chemical information and database system. Contains detailed information on all elements of the periodic table, on reactions, compounds and chemical laws. Shows graphically different ring systems, structure of organic and amino acids.
Budget Determines the monthly charge by regularly occurring deductions from your account. Recurring payments are recorded according to amount and payment date and deducted from the available monthly income. Lists or graphics display the calculated figures.
GFA 096
LIB Collection of ST-Pascal libraries, including source and instructions, string conversion, date and time calculations, text formatting (left, right and centered)
GFA 097
Label Expert Labeldrucker, für Diskettenlabels (3.5" oder 5.25"), Videohüllen, Paketaufkleber, Briefetiketten, Aktenordner u.a.
GFA 098
AutoCopy Copies any files from a drive to the RAM disk (e.g. MAXI-/FLEXIDISK). At system startup, you can choose between ten prepared copy lists and thus achieve the appropriate configuration for each application.