Atari Inside PD - Public Domain

Atari Inside was a magazine launched at a time when Atari had already given up on home computers and focused on the Jaguar console. The first issue was released in 1994 and like older Atari magazine, the public domain series and “special disks“ were separate products with the latter one being more like a cover disk that was never on the cover. Being a very late public domain series released after the ST’s life span, the Ai is mostly filled with modern applications that behave well in different screen resolution. In 1996, Atari Inside merged with rival ST-Computer magazine. The magazine was published for a couple of years with a double title while only the Ai series was continued. That’s why - despite Atari Inside only lasting for two years - there were over 300 disks in the Ai series.

Ai 151
  • CD-Verzeichnis
Ai 152

Ai 153
  • GFA-Patch
  • HYP-Convert
Ai 154
  • CoreTool
Ai 155

Ai 156

Ai 157
  • Install
Ai 158
Ai 159
  • FILTERS 1.997
    FILTERS 1.997 is an accessory that uses the Falcon030 DSP to filter sound data in real time. This accessory can be used alone or with a suitable audio program to play or record data while filtering
  • GEM Spooler 3.3
    GEM Spooler is a universal printer spooler for Atari computers. Everybody who prints a lot knows the problem: it takes a long time before the computer is available again because the computer has to wait for the slow printer. GEM Spooler captures the printer output, returns control of the computer to the user, and spools the printer data out IN THE BACKGROUND.
Ai 160
  • freeBase 1.01
    freeBase is used for the flexible administration of notes, appointments, todo lists etc. GEMScript, OLGA, AV protocol and MTOS-D&D are supported, freeBase is fully programmable. New features: Too many to list here.
  • Lharc Doku
  • Manualizer 2.0
    Manualizer will print any standard ASCII text file in the form of a manual. However, there are certain "commands" that may be placed in the text file to allow fonts to be selected, and to provide for proper page formatting. Each command applies to the entire line of text, and applies ONLY to the line of text the commands are on.
  • Rendite
  • Undine 1.1
    Undine is a program that can be used to print transfer forms of all kinds.
Ai 161
Ai 162
  • CoNnectissimo!
    Updates the telephone list of the Connect program based on the ITB.
  • DCF Strob
  • DCF Time
  • Dh Module
Ai 163
    Atari emulator from England. It runs under DOS.
Ai 164
  • Keytab
    KEYTAB is a small system extension that provides routines for converting common character set tables. When importing and exporting files of different operating systems, there are always problems with character conversion, especially with the recognition of umlauts. With little effort, existing applications can be adapted to KEYTAB, which then offers various character set tables.
  • Gemstat
  • GEMscript-Recorder
  • GEMscript
  • ClockPov
    Shell for the raytracer POV.
Ai 165
  • LaceScan
    LaceScan = screen driver for overscan modes on ST (not STE). Package is STE compatible but gives no overscan then. Compatibility tested with MagiC, MiNT, nAES, Geneva, MTOS. Large screen emulator for TT-medium, TT-high, etc, allows any monitor (mono or colour) to use any rez of 1-4 bitplanes.
  • VDIFont
    VDIFont forces system to use a GDOS font both as system font, and as default font for windows (both optional) Fonts supplied allow eg: Kobold functional in ST LOW !!! Revised by URAn, to improve compatibility and simplicity. Requires _modern_ GDOS or NVDI (needs XBRA linking). Uses XBRA protocol for all vectors (id=VFnt)
Ai 166
  • Agenda
  • Atoric 0.4
    ATORIC, ORIC-Emulator runs on ST,TT,Falcon and emulates a 1MHz 6502-Computer called ORIC
  • HD-Patch
Ai 167
  • Cla
  • Cla-FSMedit
Ai 168
  • Taskbar
    Integrated taskbar/startmenu/DHST-server for N.AES and XaAES.
  • Mixer 0.8
    This may only be used on Soundblaster compatible soundcards. This application will need a patch for the XBIOS call Soundcmd() (sndpatch.prg Rev 0.5e)
  • PICDESK 2.0a
  • Connexion
    Front-end for pppd.
Ai 169
  • CPX
  • GCC-Shell
Ai 170
  • Desktracker
    Desktracker is a GEM MOD file player for all ATARIs, which runs as program or accessory. On an ATARI without DMA sound it uses the existing sound chip to play the MODs. It contains an oscilloscope and spectrum view of the sound and can be operated like a CD player. Playlists are supported and can also be played in random mode.
  • Gfa-Shell
  • Switch
Ai 171
  • Resource Master 2.12
    The Resource Master is an excellent resource editor that meets all modern resource creation requirements. An integrated icon editor, which also supports colour icons in all colour resolutions and animated icons, and a modern user interface are features of the program.
Ai 172
  • Laborant Professional 1.05
    A universal chemistry package and program for measuring data analysis. It is one of the most powerful programs of its type, being used typically in biology, physics, pharmaceutics and thermodynamics both in the laboratory and the classroom. Features include stoichiometry, data processing, statistical tests, linear equation systems and matrix operations, thermochemistry (incl databases), reaction kinetics, chemical solutions and conversions, chemical calculation methods over a wide range, tables and excercising programs, import and export of measuring data, integration of external programs and TEX support!
Ai 173
  • 3D-Funktionsplotter
    3D function plotter with source in GFA-Basic.
  • Lehrer
    LEHRER is a vocabulary trainer for almost all languages. Numerous English, French and Greek (with character set) sample vocabulary examples are already included. Optionally almost correct translations are recognized and "pre-words" such as articles or "to" are ignored. Numerous additional functions are available. LEHRER used to be available as a special disk and is now shareware.
Ai 174
  • STLES 1+2
Ai 175
  • Winston 0.0005
    Winston is another ST emulator for PCs. Unlike other shareware/freeware emulators, Winston is a Windows program that requires Windows 95/NT. It supports the three standard resolutions of the ST. Programs can be read via floppy and hard disk images. The floppy images are the same as those of Pacifist. As a special feature, the Winston window can be resized as desired during emulation.
Ai 176
  • Backstar 0.01
    Backstar is designed to make it easier to manage files stored on a DAT tape by analyzing the information from the backup programs DATADAT and PSI_BACK and transforming it into an importable ASCII file for any database program. An example for the Phoenix database is included. The backup can also be started directly from Backstar.
Ai 177
  • FontSel 1.09
  • Mucke 2.62
  • Useredit
    Useredit is intended to be able to change those variables from the file CATUSER.INF, which are not accessible via dialogs in CAT itself. It is based on the sources of CAT itself and is therefore subject to the conditions of the enclosed CAT public license.
Ai 178
  • Profile 2
    At its simplest level, PROFILE 2 can tell you what TOS you have; its date and how much memory you have; whether the installed DESKTOP.INF configuration is valid; what the mouse double-click speed is; whether a Cookie Jar is installed and much, much more.
  • papyrus HP540 Druckertreiber
  • Form.plg
  • Double2
    Virtual screen (640x800 on ST-High, 640x400 on ST-Mid) for ST/STE
  • CD-Labeler
Ai 179
Ai 180
Ai 181
  • Agnus 1.16
    AGNUS is a modern development environment for GNU C/C++, it offers many interesting features among others:
    • Control of the GNU system: compiler, linker, librarian, profiler, debugger and others
    • powerful project and module management
    • integrated source code editor with many helpful features such as syntax-sensitive color display
    • modern GEM user interface in German and English
    • executable on all TOS-compatible computers under singletasking TOS, MiNT-TOS, MultiTOS, N.AES,Geneva, MagiC
  • X-Lib
Ai 182

Ai 183
  • Filters 2.6
    Filters ist ein TTP, das als Filter in CAT installiert, den Filterslot beliebig erweitert, so daß theoretisch beliebig viele Filter für CAT eingesetzt werden können. Es gibt Variablen für Tag, Jahr (jj & jjjj), Monat, Monatsname, Tagesname, Stunden, Minuten zum Backuppen des Outfiles und vieles andere. Wenn eine Shell installiert ist, können auch Shellkommandos ausgeführt werden.
Ai 184

Ai 185

Ai 186

Ai 187

Ai 188

Ai 189

Ai 193
  • Alta Lista
    Alta Lista is an image and HTML database for CAB. Alta Lista indexes HTML files and creates a HTML document that lists the files sorted. Furthermore Alta Lista is able to create a list of all GIF, JPEG and PNG files and display them in a reduced version (thumbnail) on a page. This can also be used to archive graphics CD-ROMs.
  • Eliza
    Eliza is a new version of the computer psychiatrist Eliza integrated into GEM. Originally, the program dates back to the 70's and has had a decisive influence on the term 'artificial intelligence'. American students actually thought they were talking to a human being! Talk to Eliza - and she will talk to you!
  • Enhanced Character Interpreter
    The Atari version of a MS-DOS program from 1989! The original was published in the magazine Happy Computer. ECI is a gag program, it decodes abbreviations like SCART, GEM or VGA. The translations can even be saved as HTML files.
  • HTML-Help
    HTML Help is a tool that allows you to edit and convert HTML documents in many different ways. It converts ASCII, 1st Word+ and 1st Guide texts to HTML, converts umlauts, can adjust file names, converts HTML documents to ASCII. Also specific changes to HTML documents like title, background color are possible. A structure analysis gives you an insight into the structure of a HTML document.
  • Kohl-Emulator

Standard support
Programs written in...
Pure C