ST-Computer PD - Public Domain

ST-Computer, also known as "series S", is one of the biggest public domain series for the Atari ST at 1000 disks. Originally published from 1986 to 1996, the series showed the growing sophistication of Atari ST software and the slow change towards more multitasking-friendly and cleanly written applications.

ST-Computer PD 651
  • ZX-Spectrum-Emulator
    Sinclair ZX-Spectrum Emulator version 2.07. This program emulates a SINCLAIR ZX-Spectrum/48 computer, a Z80-machine with integrated BASIC interpreter, 48 KB ram, equipped with joystick (Kempston, Interface 2) and optional Interface 1 with up to 8 microdrives (Sinclair specific "mass"-storage devices).
ST-Computer PD 652
  • ObjectGEM 1.10
    Library for Pure Pascal from 1.1, providing a fast and easy way to develop GEM programs on an object oriented basis.
  • VDI-Enhancer
    The Enhancer extends the ATARI VDI with the new VDI functions for managing off-screen bitmaps and with the function vq_scrninfo(). Already included in NVDI.
ST-Computer PD 653
  • Abpfiff
    The program 'ABPFIFF.PRG' is used for the input of results after the match has ended and the resulting calculation of tables.
  • ASCII-Tools
    Converts paragraph-oriented ASCII texts to continuous text and vice versa.
  • Launch It
    Start programs via a dialog box (without detour via folders), also for MultiTOS.
  • Light-Master
    Controls an 8-channel lighting system, as it is often used in discos or concerts. Documents about the interface are available from the author.
  • Midnight-Module: Julia & Mandel
    Julia and Mandel for the screensaver Midnight.
  • PATCHX06
    PATCHX06.PRG is a bugfix program for the unfortunately very abundant errors in the BIOS diskette routines of the new TOS2.06 (TOS creation date is 14.11.91) and TOS3.06.
  • PocketWatch
    Clock with 5 alarm times.
  • Reminder
    Reminds you of regular appointments. Program for the AUTO folder.
    Module for formatting disks, also supports HD and even ED formats.
ST-Computer PD 654
  • Ballons
    Nice game of skill. You have to burst all balloons and collect items to get to the next level
  • Thriller N.T.
    You roll with your game ball through a labyrinth of tracks and collect all the hearts on your way. At the last heart a bell sounds and the exit(s) open. Enter it and the level is solved. There are basically three different types of exits: Two of them take you to the next level (E and N - like EXIT and NEXT), the third one takes you to the previous level (P - like PREVIOUS). To play all levels, a trap dictionary is required.
ST-Computer PD 655
  • The House Quest II
    Text/graphic adventure with mouse control The Story : In the sequel to 'House Quest I', the player learns that his opponent from the first part is still among the living and is once again reaching for world domination. This must be prevented!
ST-Computer PD 656
  • Vital 2
    Contains nutritional values from about 80 different foods. In addition to calories, proteins and polyunsaturated fatty acids are also listed, the minerals calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and iron and also vitamins A, E, B1, B2, niacin and C.
  • OhVok 2
    Vocabulary trainer Latin-German, German-Latin or mixed.
  • Musik-Memory
    Acoustic memory, where the same scales, intervals, chords etc. must be found
  • Mc Coy
    The aim of the game is to destroy the viruses. A virus is destroyed if four elements of the same colour are placed horizontally or vertically next to each other. Once all the viruses in a cup have been destroyed, you can move up to a higher level of difficulty.
ST-Computer PD 657
  • xEdit 2.02
    xEDIT is a relatively small and simple to use text editor. It is shareware. The program and all documentation are completely in German.
ST-Computer PD 658
  • Chronos
    Chronos is a shareware calender and dating system for the Atari ST.
ST-Computer PD 659
  • Selectric
    Fileselector with many features
  • Spew
    spew generates tabloid headlines. A cloze text is randomly selected from an ASCII file, whose gaps are then randomly replaced by freely definable classes of keywords. Completely surprising results, in any case hilarious! Test it and then put it into the auto folder! Including C source!
  • SysInfo
    SysInfo is a utility program that provides a very comprehensive list of information about your system including processor type, cookie jar listing, FPU info, Blitter info
  • Two-in-One
    Two-in-One archive shell and manager that supports ARC, ARJ, LZH, ZIP, and ZOO. Includes a text viewer module. Can be used as a GEM application or called from a CLI.
  • WinX mit GemRam
    Winx by Martin Osieka expands GEM in TOS versions up to version 4.04 to include some of the features which are available in MultiTOS. From users point of view this means (among other stuff) more windows allowed, enhanced control elements for background windows and an expanded user interface. Additionally some bugs and deficiencies of the different GEM versions have been removed or repaired.
  • Xinfo
    The Swiss Army Knife of the GEM, allows about a hundred different operations. E.g. packing and unpacking of LZH, ZOO, ZIP, ARC etc., fast load bit for program header, virus check.
ST-Computer PD 660
  • ADS-Editor
    Editor for the Dynacord ADS sampler. Runs with MROS and MultiTOS from ST-High.
  • DDD5-Editor
    Editor for the drum computer by Korg.
ST-Computer PD 661
  • PSE
    A program that displays the periodic table of elements.
  • TakeThis
    Facilitates the handling of TTP programs.
  • PureC-Sourcen
    Sources for PureC; e.g. for pseudo-multitasking, libraries for date calculations, linkable object file for implementation of a checksum calculation.
  • GFA-Patch
    For fixing various bugs of the interpreter, compiler and linker.
  • Prtkl881
    Software protocol for FPU M68881 in ST/STE.
  • GNUShell
    Significantly simplifies the use of the GNU development package.
  • Bulldozer
    File oriented copy program, especially developed for MultiTOS.
  • BJ_IBM48
    Papyrus printer driver for Canon BJ 300 in IBM emulation.
ST-Computer PD 662
ST-Computer PD 663
  • Check-Help
    The checklist helps the Calamus S/SL user to create documents.
ST-Computer PD 664
  • HNZ
    Calculation of main utilization time for exciting machining processes with geometrically defined cutting edge.
ST-Computer PD 665
  • Shocker II - Das Haus der Spiele
    A very addictive puzzle/strategy game for one or two players. If two players are playing, they must connect the computers together using the Midi or RS232 ports. The ST version is also on disk so that you can play against a friend. Using the mouse, you move a marble around the screen collecting hearts. You must collect all the hearts on a level to proceed to the next. Each level presents new challenges and requires different skills. There are 100 levels in all and levels which have been beaten may be bypassed next time round. Full instruction are accessed by pressing HELP. Mono only, needs 1 Meg. connecting two computers either by using MIDI-cables, a NULL-Modem-cable or via modem (2400 baud or faster). Includes English and German documentation.
ST-Computer PD 666
  • Defend the earth
    DTE 2 is a simple, small shooter game, but (unusually) runs fully in GEM. The player controls a small cannon at the bottom of the screen with the mouse. With the cannon the many nasty little attackers who want to conquer the planet must be fended off. A little help for the game can be found in the game menu under Help.
  • Der Wurm (GEM)
  • Rekursi
    Implementation of the board game Reversi.
ST-Computer PD 667
  • 17 + 4
    Successful conversion of the well-known card game.
  • Meik's Game
    Ball game with 16 levels.
ST-Computer PD 668
ST-Computer PD 669
  • Expander ST
    Used for data transfer between a SHARP E500 and the ATARI. Data can be compressed - saves transfer time.
  • Fakturierung
    Writing of invoices, delivery notes, offers and order confirmations. Working with disk and hard disk with drive selection from the program. Including your own business address in the invoice. Decimal places for number of articles, article price and result can be set separately.
ST-Computer PD 670
  • ArtiST
    Nice painting program with some nice effects. Runs on ST, TT and Falcon.
ST-Computer PD 671
  • Key-Drum
    Master Keyboard: This makes any keyboard with MIDI in/out a master keyboard with 4-way split. There are several features per split and channel that make this disk indispensable for the MIDI enthusiast. Drum computer: Works with 1/16 note resolution. Per note you can select 5 different dynamic levels.
ST-Computer PD 672
  • ST-Unix
    Compilation disk with everything the MultiTOS owner needs for a real UNIX feeling. MinT or MultiTOS is required.
ST-Computer PD 673
  • Farbaus
    Tool for producing four color separations (CMYK) from a XIMG image.
  • MCAD2
    Program for designing and printing electrical, hydraulic or other circuit diagrams. A4 and A3 are available as drawing formats.
ST-Computer PD 674
  • Funny
    Funny is a program that tells you 350 jokes (if you have that much stamina...)
  • Pixeldraw
    Pixel-oriented painting program with which up to ten drawings can be processed simultaneously.
ST-Computer PD 675
  • Little Smalltalk
    Object-oriented programming language, which has all the properties of the original Smalltalk-80 language except the window properties.
ST-Computer PD 676
  • 7up
    GEM based text editor for the Atari ST. It utilizes all the functions of GEM including drop down menus, windows, dialog boxes, and desktop icons.
  • Minitext 5.00
    Word processor with table functions etc.
ST-Computer PD 677
  • Rufus 1.40
    Rufus is a terminal program for that features x-modem, y-modem, and z-modem, Ansi and VT52 emulation, and a script language.
  • MIDI File Printer
    Prints sheet music via GDOS from a standard MIDI file.
  • Kreuzworträtsellöser
    Database for crossword puzzles. After entering the term description the program gives the solution(s). The file can be extended.
  • Führerschein ST
    Learning program to prepare for a driving test or to check ones old theoretical knowledge.
ST-Computer PD 678
  • GEM-View 1 of 2
    This program allows you to view almost any picture format from almost any computer in almost any resolution on any Atari 16-bit or 32-bit machine! The picture is displayed in a GEM window and the scroll bars can be used to view areas not displayed on screen, where the resolution of the picture exceeds that of your monitor. Pictures with more colours than can be displayed in the current resolution go through a colour reduction and dithering process so that the picture can be viewed. You can currently display any picture in the following formats:- GIF, SUN, B&W, PAC, IFF, BMP, RLE, IMG (including colour), GEM, NEO, ART, DEGAS, TINY, DOO, SPU, SPC, XBM, PBM, PGM, PPM, MAC, TGA, TIFF, RSC, PCX, VIDAS, APPLE II, Mac Sartup Screen, Megapaint, CRG, Apple Imagewriter, MGF, Monostar, Printfox, Pagefox, Thunderscan, Inshape, STraight Fax, R24, QFax/Coma-Fax, XGA, PhotoCD and JPEG. Pictures can be resized and resaved in IMG, ESM, IFF, BMP, GIF, TIFF, TGA, MGF, Inshape, STraight Fax, R24, QFax/Coma-Fax or JPEG formats.
ST-Computer PD 679
  • GEM-View 2 of 2
    This program allows you to view almost any picture format from almost any computer in almost any resolution on any Atari 16-bit or 32-bit machine! The picture is displayed in a GEM window and the scroll bars can be used to view areas not displayed on screen, where the resolution of the picture exceeds that of your monitor. Pictures with more colours than can be displayed in the current resolution go through a colour reduction and dithering process so that the picture can be viewed. You can currently display any picture in the following formats:- GIF, SUN, B&W, PAC, IFF, BMP, RLE, IMG (including colour), GEM, NEO, ART, DEGAS, TINY, DOO, SPU, SPC, XBM, PBM, PGM, PPM, MAC, TGA, TIFF, RSC, PCX, VIDAS, APPLE II, Mac Sartup Screen, Megapaint, CRG, Apple Imagewriter, MGF, Monostar, Printfox, Pagefox, Thunderscan, Inshape, STraight Fax, R24, QFax/Coma-Fax, XGA, PhotoCD and JPEG. Pictures can be resized and resaved in IMG, ESM, IFF, BMP, GIF, TIFF, TGA, MGF, Inshape, STraight Fax, R24, QFax/Coma-Fax or JPEG formats.
ST-Computer PD 680
  • EdiTeX
    Text editor for processing TeX documents, including import and conversion of Wordplus documents
  • GEM-Force
    Diese Pure C-Library ermöglicht einfache, aber trotzdem flexible GEM-Programmierung. Die Library basiert auf dem bekannten Buch "Vom Anfänger zum GEM-Profi" der Autoren Jürgen und Dieter Geiß und der zum Buch gehörenden Software. Die kompakte Library bietet Funktionen für die Dialog-Programmierung, einen eigenen Window-Manager, viele nützliche Hilfsfunktionen für die GEM-Programmierung sowie Befehle für vereinfachte Programmierung von TOS-Programmen
  • GFA Control
    Replaces the meager original GFA shell. All options can be set easily.
  • RAMsch RCS
    Resource Construction Set with various functions to make work easier.
ST-Computer PD 681
  • ADR
    Small address database as an accessory.
  • EG-Statistik
    Contains all noteworthy data from 1992 of the individual EC states. The output is mostly graphical.
  • Fünf mal Fünf
    This is an adaptation of the Sat1 television quiz of the same name. The rules in short: You have to guess a word with five letters. You have five attempts. The first letter is given. If a letter is correct and in the right place in a guessing attempt, it is displayed inversely and is transferred to the next line. If a letter occurs in a word but in another place, it is written in capital letters.
  • Statist
    Simple statistical program with which up to 20 values can be recorded and output as bar graphs.
  • Wecker
    Small alarm clock.
ST-Computer PD 682
  • Wörterbuch
    Runs as program or accessory. The attached dictionary German-English can be extended by the user.
  • TrueDisk
    Fast and resident RAM disk for all Atari computers.
  • Sinfonie
    Hard disk recording program for the Falcon, runs as ACC or PRG in all resolutions at max. 16 colors.
  • Ordnersuche
    Counts all folders used in the system to optimally adapt the Folder100 program.
  • PhilDruck
    Utility program for the stamp management software Philosaurus Plus 1.4, allows printing also on the Falcon.
  • LED-Panel
    The basic idea of "LED Panel" is to make any access to BIOS drives (floppy, harddisk, RAM disk etc.) visible and distinctive between drives and kind of access (reading or writing). All information is shown in the upper right corner of the screen (normally you can only see the blank right end of the menu title line there). Now with controller CPX. Contains both English and German docs.
  • Hi-Fi
    Initializes the Falcon's sound subsystem so that the audio input is switched directly to the audio output. This allows you to listen to e.g. a CD while working with the Falcon.
  • DirSort
    Sorts any directories, which is sometimes necessary, especially for the auto folder.
ST-Computer PD 683
  • Kundendirektor
    Extensive address management with Infopost support, invoice, article and warehouse management. All resolutions from ST high, also runs on the Falcon.
ST-Computer PD 684
  • MARS
    "Mars" ist ein Kampfprogrammspiel. Jeder Mitspieler erstellt ein Programm. Anschließende "kämpfen" die fertigen Programme nach bestimmten Regeln miteinander. Die eigens hierfür entwickelte Programmiersprache benutzt insgesamt zehn verschiedene Befehle.
  • PureC Shell
    Replacement shell for Pure C
  • Vokabelsammlung 2
    Class 8 vocabulary as ASCII file and as Adimens database. English-German and French-German.
ST-Computer PD 685
  • Gemar
    Probably the best backup program for SCSI streamers. Runs on all computers and under any configuration.
ST-Computer PD 686
    Offers a lot of information about our solar system.
  • Jogger
    Data management for joggers (running and training sessions), statistical and graphic evaluation with monthly and annual overview.
ST-Computer PD 687
    Allows patching of TOS 2.06 and burning into EPROMs
  • Datei-Killer
    Delete files according to a search mask. Read-only files are also deleted.
  • Epson LX800 Treiber Wordplus
    Printer driver for 1st Word.
  • LupeColo
    A small graphics program that only runs in ST-low. Has only essential painting functions.
ST-Computer PD 688
  • Laser Design Pro 1.21
    Pixel drawing program that leaves nothing to be desired. With 3D part - extensive drawing functions - numerous image and block formats etc. GDOS and Signum! fonts. Only works in ST-high! Supports almost all common printers: 9-/24-needles, ink and laser printers.
ST-Computer PD 689
  • 5 mal 5
    If you know the game show '5 times 5' in SAT.1, you should have no problems with this program, because the gameplay is just like on TV.
  • Anmelden
    Connect and disconnect floppy B without reset.
  • JaKaMoKa
    For printing individually composed calendars. Compact annual calendars or attractive monthly calendars with all holidays can be printed in different sizes on all possible 9 or 24 dot matrix printers.
  • Schieber
    An image is divided into rectangles and must be reassembled.
  • Tetris X
    Tetris variant, two players can play simultaneously.
  • The Return of Knuddel
    Game in which the character must be led to the exit.
  • Virtual Drive
    Allows easy and uncomplicated access to many programs without having to struggle through various folder levels each time. For this purpose, a virtual drive is created in which programs and files from different partitions are clearly arranged in a table of contents. If a program is now called from this drive, Virtual Drive reloads it from its actual location as if you had started it directly from there.
ST-Computer PD 690
  • Mega-Archiv
    File management for tapes, records or CDs.
  • TurnUs
    Flexible file management without rigid mask specifications using dynamic memory management. Full-text and similarity search, online help, ACS module interface, GDOS fonts and much more.
ST-Computer PD 691
  • Abitare
    Address management, an image can be assigned to each record.
  • DataMaker
    With the DataMaker (DM) you have a tool that is very useful if you program in the C programming language yourself. DM converts arbitrary files into a format that can be understood by C. You can choose between three different compression types. Of course all three are compatible with the C programming language. The prerequisite is, however, that you have mastered programming in C.
  • OCR
    This OCR software can recognize text in scanned images and save it as ASCII text, which can then be further processed with an editor or a word processor. Correction rules can be defined for characters that are difficult to recognize. It is possible to store different fonts in separate character set databases, so that once learned character sets from e.g. a magazine can be used again and again.
ST-Computer PD 692
  • Zeig's mir 0.22
    File viewer with many features. Monochrome images of various formats (e.g. PAC, IMG, CRG), fax files of the programs ZFax, QFax, Coma and Tele Office, texts, hex dump, resource files (up to 32 KB), character sets (GDOS, Calamus), virtual files can be displayed. It is also possible to display and listen to samples (SMP, HSN Crazy Sound samples). Other formats are possible via the modular interface.
ST-Computer PD 693
  • Schafrennen
    Game. Always bet your money on the right racing sheep.
  • Lunar Parcel Service
    Moon shuttle simulation, where skill and strategy are important.
  • Quest
    Role playing. The first three levels are playable without any restrictions, for 15 DM a password for the others is available.
ST-Computer PD 694
ST-Computer PD 695
  • CHAOSultdGEM
    CHAOS Ultd. is a universal program for creating fractal worlds. Runs resolution independent and in all system environments.
ST-Computer PD 696
  • Grafix
    Paint program for all computers. Runs also as ACC and with MultiTOS.
ST-Computer PD 697
  • MEKC
    Resolution independent calculator.
  • STwatch
    The ultimate clock for all resolutions. Shows clock and date with weekday, five alarms.
  • Reassembler-Paket
    For analysis of 8-bit microcontroller and 8-bit CPU software including source.
  • Multi-Print 570
    Printer utility for Epson LQ 500 and LQ 570, including listing printing and a mini editor.
  • Disk2PCE
    Converts formatted 720k disks so that they can be read and written by Macintosh PC Exchange. The floppy disks are therefore also MS-DOS and OS/2 compatible.
  • FileMon
    Modern file monitor that complies with current GEM standards and uses flying dialogs.
  • Casseti
    Print program for music cassette inserts with Epson LQ 500/570.
  • ASCII-Code-Viewer
    ASCII Code Viewer: Displays the ASCII codes of the Atari character set.
  • 1wp2word
    Converts documents from MS-Word and other word processors that can save in RTF format to Wordplus format. Almost all text attributes, indentations and footnotes are supported.
ST-Computer PD 698
  • GnuPlot
    Ultimate plotting program for plotting functions or data sets. Output to screen, Epson printer, Postscript, LaTex etc.
ST-Computer PD 699
  • Farbicons
    Hundreds of colored icons for every application and every occasion. A must for anyone who wants to upgrade their desktop.
ST-Computer PD 700

Standard support
Programs written in...
Pure C