ATARImagazin PD - Public Domain

ATARImagazin was a magazine for both Atari 8 and 16/32 bit. Likewise, there was a public domain series for both computer families. The magazine didn’t last into the 90’s - the last issue was the November 1989 one. Later, the magazine was resurrected as a pure Atari 8 bit magazine. Like other German Atari magazines, ATARImagazin didn’t release their type-in listings through their public domain series and instead created a line of special disks aptly called “Lazy Fingers“.

Am 001
  • Niemals Nie
    Reaction game for several participants. Opponent is the computer.
Am 002
  • Murray
    The cartoon conversation partner in your computer. In German and with animated graphics.
  • Disketten-Etiketten-Drucker
    The program is used to print 3.5 inch floppy labels. White labels of this size are available, e.g. from Zweckform. The labels can also be printed on normal paper and stuck to the floppy disk with a removable adhesive (e.g. Fixogum).
  • Grafik-Gag
    Fools GEM beginners.
Am 003
  • Hotelier
    Manage a hotel. Your task is to supervise the staff, acquisitions and advertising.
  • Kalah
    Well known board game.
  • Omikron Runonly Interpreter
    Runs Omikron Basic programs.
  • Sprengmeister
    Strategic board game
  • ST Drive Speed Test
    Drive speed control
  • ST Grafic
    Motion graphics in 3D.
  • Ballerburg
    It's the classic scenario of two armies battling it out with cannon balls firing at each other over a mountain. However, this is one of the better implementations in which you have to purchase ammunition with funds (which often run out!) from the Royal coffers. You can select the fortress type prior to commencement and quite a few other options are user definable. Can be played against the computer or a friend.
Am 004
  • Megaroids
    Asteroids clone
  • Kartei-Kasten
    This program is used to sort your addresses, video films, records, stamp collection, etc. and to find them again quickly if necessary. It generates optional lists, which can be read and processed by a word processor.
  • Joshua
    Disk monitor
  • Fraktale Apfelmännchen
    Fractal calculation system.
  • Drucker-Hilfsprogramm
    Printer setup
Am 005
Am 006
  • Tauris
    TAURIS_ST is a strategy game for 1-8 players. Every missing player is replaced by the computer. All players are divided into 4 groups of 2 players each. Each group controls one city and plays together. The purpose of the game is to be the last city left.
Am 007
Am 008
  • Minigolf
    18 courses, with mouse control
  • Tic Tac Toe (TTT) 1.1
    Mixture of Four Wins and Tic Tac Toe. Pieces are placed in four levels. Strong computer opponent.
  • Solitär
    Solitaire is an old classic board game for one player. You have a game board in front of you, on which there are a certain amount of stones. In the middle there is a free field. If you skip a stone with another one, you may remove the skipped stone, no other way of movement is allowed. The player's task now is to keep as few of the stones as possible by cleverly placing them.
  • Konzentration (.PRG)
  • Domino
    A variation of this game has been known everywhere since the movie "Tron" was shown on national television. The gladiators race with their vehicles over an area and pull a barrier behind them. Whoever drives into such a wall has lost. In our game "Domino" the computer takes over the role of one player. You are the white barrier approaching from above. With the joystick you can change your driving direction.
  • Das Schloss
    Textadventure with speech output. As the son of the Pink chief Tu Wat and his wife Mach Wat you make your way to the eerie castle of the great magician to get help from him against the Puwacks' raids. But many dangers are waiting in the castle.
  • Bouncing Bubbles
    A fast action shoot 'em up. It starts up with just a few balls needing shot down. By level 7 you've got some aliens to dispose of and by level 40 there's so many on screen you don't have a clue what you're shooting at! Good fast action game.
Am 009
  • Datobert Plus
    Graphical representation of data as line and pie graphics, as well as three-dimensional bar and area graphics.
  • E-Plan
    Design program for electronic circuits. All electronic components appear on the screen at the click of a button.
  • Hacomini
    Creates hard copies in miniature format (48 x 68 mm)
  • Trial
    Trial is a game for quick thinkers. At the beginning of the game the computer builds a number field with the digits 1-9. The number of the game round appears in the top right corner. This number must be "found" again in the left number field.
Am 010
  • Video-Archiv 2.5
    Video cassette management, with time and tape position order
  • Snake
    A snake winds its way through life, looking for food. But sometimes it bites its own tail or bumps into a wall, which is not good for you.
  • Uhren
  • Goldjäger
    Worm variant
  • Senso
    Stimulates the memory by making it necessary to follow the sequence of colors and tones
  • Key Help
    Allows to enter any character (ASCII code) after pressing Alternate-Control.
  • 2nd Text
    Small word processor
Am 011
  • Durchbruch
    Sophisticated breakout version. The editor allows free creation and saving of own levels.
Am 012
  • Diamond Miner
    Game similar to Boulder Dash. Fast graphics and 30 levels. Built-in field editor, with which you can generate your own playing fields.
  • Fussball ST
    A strategy game for 1-4 players about football. With a lot of skill and luck the players try to manage a football team. Each player tries to score as many points as possible in the 30 league games, 6 DFB and 6 European Cup rounds. The strength of the team can be determined through selective team formation, buying and selling players. Finances can be regulated by ticket prices, stadium expansion or bank loans.
Am 013
  • Themadat PD
    Associative database with up to 200 records.
Am 014
  • Extended Autocopy
    This TTP program copies programs from disk to disk if the correct parameters are passed to it. This can be done directly from the desktop or from a program.
  • FSelect 9/87
    Fileselectbox, which hooks into the system and is used by every program instead of the old one. With default settings, multiple drives, customizable to personal wishes.
  • Memtest
    Do you suspect that your memory chips are faulty? You can easily determine this with "Memtest".
  • Microdeal Disk Help
    First aid for damaged disk sectors.
  • Mouse
    A program to accelerate the speed of the mouse by a factor of 1.5 or 2.
  • Resdisk
    This reset-proof RAM disk has some really extraordinary functions, which are explained in detail in a long readme file.
  • Setclock
    The program Setclock sets the system clock by means of an input routine, which allows quite free syntax.
  • Speeder
    Doubles read and write speed of the floppy (TOS 1.0-1.6).
  • ST:Klick
    Multifunctional accessory with alarm clock, notepad, calendar, calculator, etc.
  • The Graphic Shell
    A self-configurable shell without annoying menus, but with 30 freely assignable buttons on the DESKTOP. With own command language incl. MAKE construct.
  • Uhr (Gerhardt)
    One of the well known clock accessories, which should not be absent in any utility collection.
Am 015
  • The Sea
    Conversion of the well-known game Battle Ships. Opponent is the computer.
  • Spekulant
    Enter the world of the stock market and walk the narrow path between success and bankruptcy.
  • Hut ab
Am 016
  • Kombination
    "Combination" by Dietmar Kraus is a combination game for masterminds. There are 5 boxes hidden on a chessboard, which have to be found by clever combination. By clicking on a box you can find out how many boxes are visible from it. Additionally you work against time.
  • Slalom
    Downhill ski run on the computer in vector graphics. Five courses with different levels of difficulty
  • Typen-Test
    Psycho test, with which you can learn more about your personality.
Am 017
  • Agenda
  • DeskEdit
    New icons for the desktop
  • Poster-Maker
    Prints an image in four times its original size. Printouts can be merged to a poster
  • Schreibmaschinen-Kursus
    Typewriting course with over 40 lessons. From single letters to whole words, tasks are set and evaluated
  • ST-Calc
    Good calculation program with many features. 2600 cells. Variable screen layout.
Am 018
  • Chemielexikon
    Provides information about all elements of the periodic table, which is displayed on two screens.
  • Laborant ST 1.07
    Laborant ST/TT Plus version 1.24 by Jens Schulz - the "Universal Chemistry Package". A high quality chemistry program.
Am 019
  • Krabat Schach
    Chess program with all important features: 9 levels, positions, save openings and games, change of pieces. A supplied icon editor allows to design your own pieces.
  • Renaissance
    Checkers version against the computer. 8 game levels, with editor
  • Shogun
    Computer version of the well-known board game. The opponent has to be beaten with pieces that constantly change their step size.
Am 020
  • Public Painter (PD)
    High-resolution paint program with many features: All common drawing operations, block rotate, mirror, magnify, shrink, bend. The following formats can be converted: Doodle, Degas, Profi-Painter, Neochrome, Colorstar, Art-Director (integrated colour-monochrome converter). Font editor as well as 12 fonts are included.
Am 021
  • Musik-Manager
    Manages your music collection separately for records, CDs and cassettes. Search criteria: Title, artists, year, playing time, notes, file index.
  • Adr_2
    Address management with mail merge (with and without 1st Word). Creates address, phone and birthday lists. Prints labels, tags according to freely definable format
  • Diskkatalog
    Program and disk management. Automatic reading of all or only preselected file types. Options for sorting and printing according to various criteria
Am 022
  • NEC-P6-Treiber
    Driver for 1st Word/1st Mail
  • Degas P6
    A stopgap for frustrated owners of the color version of NEC's P5/6/7 printers. Simply copy this small program together with GDOS into the AUTO folder and DEGAS Elite can print the most beautiful pictures in the richest colors on paper. To print your artwork, please use the driver for the JX80 from EPSON, otherwise it won't work.
  • NEC Font
  • Hardcopy for NEC P5/P6/P7
Am 023
  • DGDB (Mono)
    Das Grosse Deutsche Ballerspiel now also in monochrome version (colour version on S 23). Action game for 1-2 players
  • Trans-Europa - The Trucking Game
    TRUCKING is a business game for the ATARI 520 ST with monochrome monitor and for entrepreneurs with strong nerves who want to assert themselves as freight transporters in German-speaking regions and neighboring countries.
Am 024
  • City
    If you buy land, houses and shares, you will soon own the whole city.
  • Metropolia
    Economic game. By manipulating certain factors, you have an influence on the economic situation, which is expressed in the supply chain factor, environmental pollution, supply and growth factor, and ultimately in the policy evaluation
  • ST-Roulette
    Well-known casino game
Am 025
  • Dallas
    This is about oil, power and scheming. Up to 6 players can participate in the game of intrigue.
  • Monopoly (Addison)
Am 026
  • Napoleon
    Strategy game similar to Risk. The aim is to interact with neighbouring countries on a non-peaceful basis
Am 027
  • Die Fugger
    The game begins in the Middle Ages, in 1650 to be precise, when you take over the Fugger house, which is already in ruins. There are no more ships, factories and gold supplies, everything was used up by your predecessor. You must now try to save the ailing company from bankruptcy, you can speculate with grain, steel, gold.
  • Feuerwehr
    Feuerwehr is a game for one fireman whose task is to extinguish five fires set by a mysterious pyromaniac.
  • Yatzy (Lykkegard)
    The well-known yahoo
Am 028
  • NLQ-Accessory
    Fantastic print quality even with a 9-pin dot matrix printer. Works with all major word processors. Printing is done completely in graphic mode, with font editor
  • Schoolbase
    Database especially for students and trainees
  • Genius
    IQ test, which tests logical abilities, but is also suitable for training intelligence. With different tests. For verification, training and test data are displayed as a line or bar chart.
  • Argus
    Argus & Xargus were written to provide an easy way to keep track of what a program currently running is doing (reading) on the disk.
Am 029
  • Verein
    Club administration. Keeping the member file, creating lists.
  • UniTerm 1.7a
    UniTerm version 2.0c by Simon Poole is one of the classic term programs for the ST. This version offers the following improvements over previous versions: Remote Macro commands can now be disabled, an error message is displayed if this feature is used while turned off. VT52 cursor keys and PF1 to PF4 work again.
Am 030
  • Kolonial
    Places four to twelve space adventurers in a computer-created galaxy. The conflict simulation is designed as a mail game: Participants send in their moves by mail, the game master's main program processes these commands. After evaluation, each player receives a computer printout with new information about his game situation. By not knowing the opponent's moves, an exciting and captivating adventure is created, in which the tactical and strategic skills of the player are fully challenged
  • Mars / Core Wars
    "Core Wars" is a combat program game. Each player creates a program. Afterwards the finished programs "fight" each other according to certain rules. The specially developed programming language uses a total of ten different commands.
  • The Caverns of Larn (Turtiainen)
    Role play for one person in the tradition of Hack and Rogue, simple graphics.
Am 031
  • Hase und Igel
    Board game implementation with beautiful graphics and good user interface
  • Minenfeld (Keller)
    Guide your man through an unseen minefield and through numerous levels.
  • Shanghei
    Tricky puzzle game for the clever ones
Am 032
  • Hack ST
    Explore a huge cave system in search of the legendary Amulet of Yendor. Simple graphics, but very complex plot. High motivation, knowledge of English is an advantage, Ramdisk recommended.
  • Maxidisk
    MaxiDisk installs a resetproof ramdisk, which compresses the files stored on it. It is usually possible, to store about 750 kB in a 500 kB ramdisk
Am 033
  • World
    Learning program. Tests all countries and capitals around the world. The answer is given by clicking on the illustrated country. Included maps: Germany, USA, Central America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Oceania.
Am 034
  • XLisp 2.0
    AI language (artificial intelligence) for creating programs that are capable of learning. With detailed instructions in English.
Am 035
Am 036
  • LPR Modula-2
    Originally from the TH Zurich and ported by the TU Munich. The system contains everything for learning and professional work with Modula-2: memory resident compiler, integrated editor ALTEX, linker, extensive libraries, source level debugger.
Am 037
  • Eternal
    Reset-proof RAM disk with source in Assembler.
  • Mark Johnson C Compiler
    C compiler with small limitations. Compiler, Linker and Assembler.
  • PCommand
    Command is a line-oriented command line interpreter with batch file support. It provides an interactive interface to Atari TOS which runs on the Atari ST. Commands are similar to PC-DOS commands PCommand provides faster access to TOS facilities than the GEM desktop. Multiple commands can be entered on a single line for even better efficiency.
Am 038
  • Little Smalltalk
    Object-oriented programming language, which has all the properties of the original Smalltalk-80 language except the window properties.
Am 039
  • Thonatos
    TRON variant for 2 players
  • GEMFrac
    Fractal calculation. From the basic fractal the area to be calculated can be selected by mouse or numerical input. The program then zooms into the depth of the fractal landscape and shows new details. Optionally a task can be started (from GEMFRAC or as an accessory), which calculates a fractal in the background
  • Gruseldemo
    Graphics and sound demo. Lots of action at the cemetery. Skeletons, abbots and ghosts do their mischief
Am 040
  • Drei-D-Funktionsplot
    3D function plotter
  • Cadenza AstroCal

    This program generates (for any given year) a calendar containing the following information:

    1. Times of sunrise, sunset, moonrise, and moonset for each day
    2. Times and dates of Moon phases
    3. Times and dates of solar and lunar eclipses
    4. Times and dates of solstices and equinoxes
Am 041
  • File Copy 5.0
    Copy single data. Also with one disk drive.
  • ST-Klick
    Multifunctional accessory with alarm clock, notepad, calendar, calculator, etc.
  • Speeder
    Doubles read and write speed of the floppy (TOS 1.0-1.6).
  • Multitasking Copy
    Disk backup in multitasking.
  • Reversi (ACC)
    The popular game as an accessory.
  • FastLife
    Fast Life simulation written in Volksforth. Many generations are calculated and displayed in one second
  • FastCopy 2.0
    Powerful and fast copy program. Copy only used sectors, change format when copying, repair defective disks, copy certain tracks, multiple copy, copy Spectre format, create MS-DOS format and much more.
  • F-Format
    Formatting program as an accessory.
  • DiskManager
    The most important disk functions as an accessory.
  • Control Panel ++
    Versatile multi-accessory.
Am 042
  • Diskkatalog
    Program and disk management. Automatic reading of all or only preselected file types. Options for sorting and printing according to various criteria
  • Super Poster Creator
    Hardcopies in huge size for normal and oversized posters.
  • VHS-Video-Label-Drucker
    Create your own labels for your VHS videotapes. With graphical user interface.
Am 043
  • Eamon
    Mixture of role play and text adventure. A total of five different dungeons (adventure games) are available. You have to pass hundreds of battles against monsters and soldiers to reach the riches of the caves.
Am 044
  • Panic
  • Upsidedown
    Your desktop is upside down.
  • Stone Age Deluxe
    Boulder Dash version with many levels and level editor
  • Horror-Schloß
    You have to move through different corridors, but beware: ghosts and trapdoors will hinder you. Also included are beam walls, roller conveyors, ladders, sliding bars, important keys and transporters.
  • Öl-Imperium
    Defeat your opponents and rise to become an oil baron by producing and selling oil at a profit. Of course, sabotage is also the order of the day, because the competition never sleeps
  • Melt
    Melts your desktop
  • Isola (Feike)
    Strategy game for 1 or 2 players
  • DDP
    Easily view and print directory and folder contents.
Am 045
  • FontKit 3.3
    Font editor for GEM fonts, Signum fonts, HP SoftFonts and RSC images.
Am 046
  • DiskMech
    DiskMech is a very powerful disk analyzing, archiving, and editing tool.
  • The Vault I
    German text adventure. In an old Scottish castle the lord of the castle is found one morning hanging from a tree. The clues point to a murder, but the police are completely in the dark. Some clues are given, the rest you have to find in the castle.
Am 047
  • Europa
    Action game with joystick control. A sinister person has distributed several bombs in Europe, which you as an agent have to find, defuse and destroy
Am 048
  • Anduril
    Move your character through a large labyrinth without hitting a corner
  • Go Up
    You control a character through over 100 levels, with the pursuers close on your heels. The only thing that helps is to shoot away the stones, whereupon the pursuers get stuck for a short time. With level editor.
  • Push Me
    Game for thinkers. On a playing field a square must be moved from the start to the target position.
  • Scribble
    Scrabble version. 1-2 people try to build as many words as possible from single random letters.
  • Tuzzle
    By shifting blocks (pipelines), the incoming water must be allowed to flow from left to right
Am 049
  • Tunnel Vision
    Maze game created using GFA Basic. You can leave trails, gain needed energy to keep seaching, see maps and more.
  • Zehntausend
    Dice game with nice graphics
Am 050

Standard support
Programs written in...
Pure C