Karstadt - Public Domain

Karstadt PD 201
  • Dallas
    This is about oil, power and scheming. Up to 6 players can participate in the game of intrigue.
  • Label-Plus
    Disk label printer, transfer of an image by mouse click. Own pictures can be integrated. Prints front, top and bottom
  • Loader
    Enables or disables accessories or autostart programs.
  • Metropolia
    Economic game. By manipulating certain factors, you have an influence on the economic situation, which is expressed in the supply chain factor, environmental pollution, supply and growth factor, and ultimately in the policy evaluation
  • Paste Address
    Address labels in mini format (1.5 x 2.5 cm) in various fonts and on all printers (with printer adjustment).
  • Scribble
    Scrabble version. 1-2 people try to build as many words as possible from single random letters.
  • Sherlock Holmes
    Good variation of Cluedo. The player has to interrogate suspicious persons and solve a murder.
  • View 1.1
    For displaying ASCII files, scrolling forward and backward by pressing a key.
  • Disketten-Label-Druckerei 1.5
Karstadt PD 202 Missing
  • Uniterm
  • Go up
    You control a character through over 100 levels, with the pursuers close on your heels. The only thing that helps is to shoot away the stones, whereupon the pursuers get stuck for a short time. With level editor.
  • Emacs 3.8
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  • Bolo (Demo)
    Arkanoid variant.
  • Columbia
  • F1 Manager
  • Imperium
  • Kermit 1.1
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  • Plotter
  • Type
  • RAM
  • Morse
  • Paintlux
  • Inhalt
  • Index
  • BT Konvert
    Converts 1st Word documents to Beckertext. Including special character conversion and font adaptation.
Karstadt PD 205
Karstadt PD 206
  • Solitär
  • Surface
  • STudent CAD
    STudent CAD2 is a GEM based 2D CAD program. The program and all documentation is in German.
  • Setmaus
  • Roulette
  • Minigolf
    18 courses, with mouse control
  • Mazemaker
  • Little Painter 3.05c
    Drawing program with great features, e.g. gradient function for all filled objects
Karstadt PD 207 Missing
  • Hüperform
  • Window
  • Ratte
  • Pic Swich 0.7
  • MicroEMACS
  • Invasion
  • Boink
  • Horror
  • Clock
  • Calender
  • Calculator
  • 512 Farben
  • 920 Form
  • Fujiboink!
Karstadt PD 208 Missing
  • Anticdemo
Karstadt PD 209 Missing
  • Squixx
  • Stundenplan
  • Cartoon
  • Schloss
  • MIDI Mus
Karstadt PD 210 Missing
  • Rechnen
  • Zeichen
  • X Modem
  • Spriter
  • Dakar
  • Kreuz As
    Conversion of the slot machine
  • Denk Mal
  • Deconv
  • Bilanzen
  • AMIGA Demo
Karstadt PD 211 Missing
  • ST Kontor
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  • Doublle
  • Vokabel-Trainer (Luidl)
  • Isola (Feike)
    Strategy game for 1 or 2 players
  • Hypnose
  • Hut Ab
  • Done
  • ACC Find
  • Azarian
    AZARIAN is a space strategy game with arcade speed. You command the LF-9 starfighter, a agile and rugged craft designed for quick attacks. Your enemy, the evil Thraxx, a lizard race that specialize in advanced organics for transport and weapontry, has spread across the galaxy and now threatens to dominate the Terran frontier.
  • Atartrek
  • ArchivStar 5.0
    Archives disk contents.
  • Dame
Karstadt PD 215 Missing
  • Deskblue
  • Genetik
  • Juggler
  • Schloss
  • WDRBLoader
Karstadt PD 216 Missing
  • Morsen
  • REM EX
  • Ratte
  • Netz
  • Picsw 0.7
  • Mazemakr
  • M Help
  • Lotto
  • Kprinter
  • Deskblue
  • Morse ST
Karstadt PD 217 Missing
  • Combined
  • Digimusik
  • Melt
    Melts your desktop
  • Procalc
  • RAM Free
  • Spooler
  • Tiny Tool
Karstadt PD 218
  • Melt
    Melts your desktop
  • VKiller
  • Upsidedown
    Your desktop is upside down.
  • History
    For each female or male first name, lists known historical and modern persons of the same name. More than a thousand historical events and birthdays of well-known personalities are also stored.
  • Deskblue
  • Degas Pic
Karstadt PD 219 Missing
  • Digimusik
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  • Boink
    DISKAUX is a Gem program for experimenting and working with disk drives and floppy disks. DISKAUX accesses the floppy disk controller directly and is not controlled by the operating system.
  • FSelect
    Fileselectbox, which hooks into the system and is used by every program instead of the old one. With default settings, multiple drives, customizable to personal wishes.
  • Lo-Mi-Hi
    Emulation of the color modes on the monochrome monitor via an accessory, you can switch between all resolutions. Runs only with old ROM-TOS.
  • MMCopy
    Filecopy as an accessory.
  • PR Epson
  • Sound-Merlin (Demo)
    Used to edit and play back sounds and samples. Integration into own programs possible
  • Supercal
  • A Copy
Karstadt PD 223 Missing
  • LittleSweet
    LittleSweet is a small calculator that can be used as an accessory or as a program.
  • SoundMachine
    Music program for creating and playing entire pieces of music using digital samples. Integration of the songs into your own programs possible.
  • Kreuzwort
    Create and solve puzzles. Further processing of the puzzles in DTP programs.
  • Coder
  • FastCopy III
    Powerful and fast copy program. Copy only used sectors, change format when copying, repair defective disks, copy certain tracks, multiple copy, copy Spectre format, create MS-DOS format and much more.
Karstadt PD 224 Missing
  • Janine
    Accessory to start any program.
  • RAUR
    Analysis and reassembly program for resource files. Any RCS file can be analyzed and converted into Assembler source code to be used in own programs.
  • PR Epson
  • MaBooG
    Boot generator that prints a text, loads an image or asks for a password when booting. Protection against boot viruses or original design of the boot process.
  • Diskhelp
  • DisAssembler
    Good disassembler. Display as program code. ASCII, byte, word or long constants (also bit notation). Marking of the different data areas. File or memory assembly, output redirection, label generation and much more.
  • CP6-Etikett
    Label printing program with color printing. Each element can have a different color. This is done in the menu next to the print data, the ICONS and the disc info. Of course the program also runs with normal printers
  • Analy-ST
    Mathematics program for teachers and students. Function plot, divisions, integral functions, area and zero calculation, complete curve discussion. Calculation of function gaps or extreme values. Generation of a fully rational function by arbitrarily given points. Transfer of the calculated results into text programs
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  • Polynoma
    Illustration of polynomial arithmetic (multiplication, addition, division) with shift registers. The registers can be loaded on the screen with the mouse and switches can be adjusted. Stepwise calculation. Protocol output of the calculation either in dual code or in polynomial representation
  • Profiler
    Profiling system for Pascal source codes. Examines runtime behavior of Pascal programs. Tools for program analysis and optimization.
Karstadt PD 227 Missing
  • Sideklick
  • Software
    For entering and managing disc contents. With 1 MB memory approx. 10.000 entries are recorded. Good design, simple operation
  • ST:Klick
    Multifunctional accessory with alarm clock, notepad, calendar, calculator, etc.
  • Setmaus2
  • Start Up
  • Supercalc
  • Uhrzeit
  • Weller Tool
  • Word400
    WORD400 is a mini-text editor which operates as a desk accessory
  • Show RAM
  • DOLU
  • Scientific Calculator
    Scientific Calculator by M. Weller. This public domain calculator offers a vast array of features that make it an extremely powerful and useful tool.
  • Directory Print
  • Bigmacc
  • Clock
  • CRT Saver
  • MMCopy
    Filecopy as an accessory.
  • Diskhelp
  • MAD
  • Freeram
  • M Help12
  • Info Box
Karstadt PD 228 Missing
  • Upsidedown
    Your desktop is upside down.
  • Tiny Tool Editor
    Disassemble and alter memory or disk data.
  • T Nibler
  • Spooler
  • LittleSweet
    LittleSweet is a small calculator that can be used as an accessory or as a program.
  • Scientific Calculator
    Scientific Calculator by M. Weller. This public domain calculator offers a vast array of features that make it an extremely powerful and useful tool.
  • Ramdisk
  • MS-DOS Step
    Switches B-drive steprate to 6ms. For 5.25" drives in 40-track mode. As ACC, PRG and BASIC source.
  • MS Speed
  • Mousespeed
  • MMCopy
    Filecopy as an accessory.
  • Melt
    Melts your desktop
  • M Help12
  • Loader
    Enables or disables accessories or autostart programs.
  • Snapshot
  • Goodies
  • ct Night
  • Gemini NLQ
  • Accessory Loader
    Create an AUTO folder on your accessory disk and copy ACC_LOAD.PRG to this folder. Then rename all your accessories to either *.ACC or *.ACX (it does not matter, and you only have to do this the first time you use this program). The Re-boot with this disk in the drive and when it displays the files enter what files you want loaded.
  • Bild aus
  • Bitte ein Bit 3.6
    Fast copy program, also as an accessory. Ignore empty tracks, automatic format detection, copying from HD disks.
  • Coder
  • Comb.ACC's
  • Procalc
  • Datum
  • Freeram
  • Deskblue
  • Disklist
  • DS-Diskformatierer 1.0
    Formatter as an accessory. Formatting in the background (multitasking).
  • Font
  • Foto
Karstadt PD 229 Missing
  • ST Poker
  • NEC Treiber
  • LMH Oberf
  • Lebenserw
  • Karate
  • Graf
  • Freezer
  • Etikett
  • Diskmon
  • Baller
Karstadt PD 230 Missing
  • Statist
  • Strukto 1.5
    Structogram generator. The structure diagrams generated from GFA-BASIC programs can be saved as IMG graphics and thus be printed in full size using a graphics or DTP program. The font size can be adjusted. Use of own GEM fonts
Karstadt PD 231 Missing
  • Astro 1.1
    Astrology program with all functions for creating a Radix horoscope
  • Tempus Word 0.9 (Demo)
    Tempus-Word has been specially developed for editing large texts with many cross-references, footnotes/chapters and endnotes. For illustrated documents over 250 pages, Tempus-Word just gets started; while other systems slow down or have problems with correct pagination, Tempus-Word remains consistently fast, even if it ends up with over 1500 pages.
Karstadt PD 232 Missing
  • City
    If you buy land, houses and shares, you will soon own the whole city.
  • Moleküle 3D 3.43
    Calculates 3D single images and image sequences of molecules, with up to 256 atomic coordinates and 256 bonds. Finished animations are displayed in the color version with stereo effect. After numerous improvements, the final PD version has been reached with this version.
Karstadt PD 233 Missing
  • The Printing Press 3.03
    Print program. Features: Full keyboard control, loading and saving of many image formats, e.g. IFF, IMG etc., extended drawing functions, loading of external modules. Many graphics and character sets are included with the software.
  • ST Font
Karstadt PD 234 Missing
  • Objekte
  • Up'n'Down
    A matter of luck. As in life, it goes up and down ladders here, without any meaning being evident.
Karstadt PD 235 Missing
  • ST Font
  • The Vault I
    German text adventure. In an old Scottish castle the lord of the castle is found one morning hanging from a tree. The clues point to a murder, but the police are completely in the dark. Some clues are given, the rest you have to find in the castle.
  • The Vault II
    Continuation of Vault I. Text adventure, in which the criminal Delwin Derock, who broke out of prison in part 1 and fled to Scotland, causes trouble. It is suspected that he illegally produces plutonium there and supplies the black market. Catch him and stop the trade.
  • The Vault III
    Classic text adventure in which a dangerous criminal must be caught. Travel with your space glider to the earth of the future and save the human race.
Karstadt PD 236 Missing
  • Spacefighter 2
    Spacefighter Two is a small shooting game. The task is to shoot down aliens
  • Tangran
    Chinese tile game in which one of 10 tiles is to be composed of 7 geometric parts
  • ST Font
  • Mirror
    Based on movable mirrors and prisms with which a laser beam is to be directed onto point fields. Successful hits increase the score, but missed shots quickly lead to loss of game
  • Monopol
  • Killer
  • Celestial Ceasars
    Strategy game for 1-4 space cadets in which you explore space, conquer planets, build spaceships and fight the enemy fleets
Karstadt PD 237 Missing
  • Showtime
    Show Time 1.1: Professional presentation software. Images are converted into ShowTime format and combined in the editor to a fluid slide show. Sliding effects (with Blitter), special effects, pyrotechnical treats and wipes are easily inserted into the script.
  • ST Font
  • STudent CAD 3.5
    STudent CAD2 is a GEM based 2D CAD program. The program and all documentation is in German.
Karstadt PD 238 Missing
  • 12. Jahrhundert
    You have to prove yourself as a ruler and guardian of your religion in different countries and you are given a task beforehand. Afterwards, the actual playing field with a map of Europe around 1150 is built up. The countries were determined at our own discretion, partly due to a lack of historical information.
  • Disksort
    Disksort outputs the disk contents as list or label.
  • ST Font
  • UV-Draw 2.0
Karstadt PD 239 Missing
  • Arcgsh 1.4
    Simplifies the use of common archiving programs, a selection of which is included on the disk
  • Desk PIC
  • Trans-Europa - The Trucking Game
    TRUCKING is a business game for the ATARI 520 ST with monochrome monitor and for entrepreneurs with strong nerves who want to assert themselves as freight transporters in German-speaking regions and neighboring countries.
  • Tycoon
    The playing aims in our games is to make money and loads of it. Various scenarios are planned but the first one is aptly called Tycoon and is based around the idea of Exploration and Mining.
Karstadt PD 240 Missing
  • Terminplaner 3.2
    Extensive program with many special functions: Notepad, calendar, address management, serial letter function, public holidays in Germany, Denmark, France, the Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland and Europe. With internal help. The dates are displayed in the calendar and you can display the next date.
  • Standard-CAT 4.0
    STDCAT version 5.2b by Bob Silliker is a specialized database that can be used to catalogue diskettes and hard disk partitions. It is a GEM application using 4 windows to display various parts of a catalogue. Each section, disk, path and file can, optionally, have a comment associated with it.
  • P TAP 1.0
  • Fussball ST 1.61
    A strategy game for 1-4 players about football. With a lot of skill and luck the players try to manage a football team. Each player tries to score as many points as possible in the 30 league games, 6 DFB and 6 European Cup rounds. The strength of the team can be determined through selective team formation, buying and selling players. Finances can be regulated by ticket prices, stadium expansion or bank loans.
  • Drucker
    Setup of Seikosha SP 1000A and compatibles. Special characters, font, sheet length etc.
Karstadt PD 241 Missing
  • Oxyd 1.0
    Game similar to Esprit by the same author. First you have to master 100 landscapes alone and then 100 more in two-player mode with two ST's connected via MIDI. Only the first ten levels are playable, then you encounter an obstacle that can only be removed by entering a code word.
Karstadt PD 242 Missing
  • AUS I D 1.0
  • Kniffel (Stolzer)
    Popular dice game
  • Weller Tools 1.2
    Weller-Tools 3.02, the development system for GFA-BASIC programs. The cross-reference analyzer locates errors and makes suggestions for improvement. Weller-Tools includes numerous utilities, integrated help and outline functions for analyzing program structures, manual with 64 pages in WordPlus and ASCII format. The PD version handles programs with a maximum size of 100 KB, all other functions are exactly the same as in the professional version.
Karstadt PD 243 Missing
  • BBS Book
  • WT HD
Karstadt PD 244 Missing
  • Ascot
  • Ascot Level Editor
  • Label Expert 5.02
    Labeldrucker, für Diskettenlabels (3.5" oder 5.25"), Videohüllen, Paketaufkleber, Briefetiketten, Aktenordner u.a.
  • Shell 1.0
Karstadt PD 245 Missing
  • PlatiCAD
    Board layout program. Supports the layout of a board like an object-oriented drawing program, no auto-router. Board layouts up to two layers, part overprints of the boards, solder mask templates, drill hole plans, layout plans and part lists can be created. 10 trace thicknesses, eight solder pad sizes and 10 safety distances to adjacent copper areas are freely selectable. Traces can be entered on 1/40 inch grid, parts and pads on 1/20 inch grid.
  • UniTerm 2.0e
    UniTerm version 2.0c by Simon Poole is one of the classic term programs for the ST. This version offers the following improvements over previous versions: Remote Macro commands can now be disabled, an error message is displayed if this feature is used while turned off. VT52 cursor keys and PF1 to PF4 work again.
Karstadt PD 246 Missing
  • Viren
Karstadt PD 247 Missing
  • Spaceball I
    Strategy game about the football of the future. ZUNO, the great champion, introduced this form of team sport in 2005 and delighted the fans with great graphics and high motivation to play. From now on one or two ST users can also participate in the Spaceball league games
  • SLF
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Karstadt PD 249 Missing
  • Türme
  • Toy Prolog 4.8
    The programming language of the new generation. Incl. 95 KB manual.
  • MIDI-Pauker 1.0
    Teaching program for reading notes and displaying notes played on the keyboard. Display of notes in treble or bass clef.
  • MIDI-Lern 1.0
    The note learning program, runs via MIDI keyboard or keyboard.
  • Corasso 1.0
Karstadt PD 250 Missing
  • Werkzeugkiste
    Multifunctional accessory. Maximum 13 super-fast, reset-proof and expandable RAM disks, one of them optionally bootable. A function for displaying and converting images supports all major image formats, including the packed STAD format. Definable keyboard macros. Options for formatting and copying floppy disks. Function for displaying and printing files, converting umlauts and special characters if necessary. Option to output directories to screen, file and printer. An optional automatically or manually working screen saver, a printer spooler, which can also spool hardcopies, a set-up function for the serial interface and the printer and a mouse accelerator are also included.
  • Super-File-Copy 2.4
    File copy program, ideal for one drive. Copies first to buffer, then to new disk.
  • Quick ST 1.4
    Speeds up most ST software by speeding up screen graphics. Compatible with all ST, STE, and TT computers and monitors.
  • LOCK 1.1
  • JJ-Load 1.04
  • DATETIME 1.0
  • CODER 1.17
  • Bitte ein Bit 3.1
    Fast copy program, also as an accessory. Ignore empty tracks, automatic format detection, copying from HD disks.

Standard support
Programs written in...
Pure C